Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Hill- Training on Wednesday 16th on Moss-Lake Road

Das Banner

Dies ist das Banner fuer den Halb-Marathon am 27.Maerz
An Alle die Janina und mich unterstuetzen!
Sei es durch Spenden oder Daumen druecken...
... oder uns am Sonntag Morgen um 8:00am anfeuern!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13th 2011

Running on March 13th
Janina and I were running on Sunday to pratice for the Half-Marathon together.
Sadly, we can't run together very often :o(
We wanted to do a long run, but just finished 9.6 km...
I did catch a cold a few days ago and it won't break out, but I can feel it coming, it slows me down and I feel like a Beginner Runner.
Well, we have two more weeks till the Half-Marathon.
And... we will keep on running :o)

After the run... with our Mascot Phoebie

Friday, March 11, 2011

Deutscher Stammtisch

Deutscher Stammtisch / AKA Cheer-Team

Am 10.Maerz war wieder Stammtisch-Treffen im Raum Dallas/Fort Worth
und es war wieder lustig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On March 10th I went to my "German Stammtisch" Meeting in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area and we had a lot of fun!!!!
Annette and me with the big "GO REIMANN GIRLS GO" Banner for the Half-Marathon

Me and my German friends

Girl-Power *lol*

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Running in Arizona

Running in Arizona
Me and my husband Konny went to Phoenix, Arizona for a few days to visit some friends.
And I thought this is a good oportunity to test my Running Outfit!
And I even had a "Cheer-Team"!!!!
How awesome is that?????

Sunday, February 20, 2011

9.11 Miles

On February 19th Janina and I were running around White Rock Lake in Dallas. It was our first Test-Run for the Half-Marathon on March 27th.
We finished 9.11 Miles in 1:56:52 hours ... with a Pace of 12:50h/Mile.

Two just a few seconds stops for water and that was it... I think we did pretty good! The next Test-Run will be in Early March with 11-12 Miles.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Texas roads...

After running on the tracks a lot, I now want to get prepared for 13 Miles on asphalt roads for the Half-Marathon.
So I started to run on the roads between Moss Lake and Gainesville.
Yesterday, the first guy stopped to ask if everything is all right when I got back to my truck to do some strechings...
Today, two people stopped... One, when I just started and one, when I was finished.
I guess there are very friendly people living in Texas!
Or... I always look so exhausted that they feel sorry for me :o)

Love to run between horses and cows... and sometimes a few dogs are chasing me :o)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Texas-Salsa ... with Pink Ribbon

Texas-Salsa fuer $6.00 / Glas zu verkaufen!
Texas-Salsa for $6.00 / jar for sale!

Ich habe die Glaeser bei meiner Yoga Klasse und bei Amelia's Attick in Gainesville zum Verkauf... oder natuerlich per Post!
The Salsa is for sale at two locations: my Yoga class and at Amelia's Attick in Gainesville... and of course per mail!

Fuer jedes verkaufte Glas geht eine Spende von $3.25 ein!
For every sold jar we get a donation of $3.25!

Ich mache davon keinen Profit! Jeder Cent geht zu Susan G. Komen!
I don't make any profit of it! Every penny goes to Susan G. Komen!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dallas Running Club

I am a member of the Dallas Running Club... yeah
They organize races and meetings...
Really nice people, and all with the same Hobby:

Friday, January 7, 2011

First Official 10K

My first official 10K:
When: Saturday 08.January 2011
Where: White Rock Lake in Dallas
What time: 8am

Link zum 10K
ok... WE DID IT!!!! YEAHHH!

Manu: 345 von 391 Runners * Time:1:10:05
Janina: 245 from 391 Runners * Time:58:52

Age Group Results:
Manu: Female 40 to 44: Place 21 from 26
Janina: Female 20 to 24: Place 6 from 10

Janina and me after the 10K,
in the background you can see the lake where the run was.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

my first 10K run....

Today I made my new training goal... to run 10 Kilometers.
I don't have a good time (it took me 1hour and 14 Minutes) but that doesn't bother me.
I am so proud of myself!!!
This coming Saturday is definitely the first official 10K for me.
I keep you guys postet :o)

Heute habe ich mein neues Trainings-Ziel erreicht...ein 10 Kilometer Lauf.
Ich hatte keine gute Zeit (ich brauchte 1 Stunde und 14 Minuten) aber das stoert mich nicht.
Ich bin so stolz auf mich!!!
Kommenden Samstag ist nun definitiv mein erster offizieller 10 Kilometer Lauf.
Ich halte Euch auf dem Laufenden :o)