Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Hill- Training on Wednesday 16th on Moss-Lake Road

Das Banner

Dies ist das Banner fuer den Halb-Marathon am 27.Maerz
An Alle die Janina und mich unterstuetzen!
Sei es durch Spenden oder Daumen druecken...
... oder uns am Sonntag Morgen um 8:00am anfeuern!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13th 2011

Running on March 13th
Janina and I were running on Sunday to pratice for the Half-Marathon together.
Sadly, we can't run together very often :o(
We wanted to do a long run, but just finished 9.6 km...
I did catch a cold a few days ago and it won't break out, but I can feel it coming, it slows me down and I feel like a Beginner Runner.
Well, we have two more weeks till the Half-Marathon.
And... we will keep on running :o)

After the run... with our Mascot Phoebie

Friday, March 11, 2011

Deutscher Stammtisch

Deutscher Stammtisch / AKA Cheer-Team

Am 10.Maerz war wieder Stammtisch-Treffen im Raum Dallas/Fort Worth
und es war wieder lustig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On March 10th I went to my "German Stammtisch" Meeting in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area and we had a lot of fun!!!!
Annette and me with the big "GO REIMANN GIRLS GO" Banner for the Half-Marathon

Me and my German friends

Girl-Power *lol*

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Running in Arizona

Running in Arizona
Me and my husband Konny went to Phoenix, Arizona for a few days to visit some friends.
And I thought this is a good oportunity to test my Running Outfit!
And I even had a "Cheer-Team"!!!!
How awesome is that?????